Learn English Grammar
Adverbs describe verbs (actions). They give more detail about the action.
- My cat eats slowly.
Slowly is an adverb since it describes the way my cat eats.
How does my cat eat? Slowly.
Adverbs will generally answer the question 'How'.
Some adverbs are used to modify an adjective.
Adverbs that do this are: very, extremely, really, totally, absolutely, quite, fairly, well. These are normally placed before the adjective.
- It was very hot yesterday.
- He is totally crazy.
Types of Adverbs
There are many types of adverbs, such as:
Adverbs of Frequency - always, sometimes, never, once a week, hourly, etc.
Adverbs of Manner - carefully, slowly, loudly
Adverbs of Time - tomorrow, now, this year, next week, soon, then
Adverbs of Place/Location - here, there, above, everywhere
Adverbs of Degree - very, extremely, rather, almost, nearly, too, quite
Adverbs of Quantity - a few, a lot, much
Adverbs of Attitude - fortunately, apparently, clearly
Adverbs Word Order
Adverbs are usually placed after the verb:
- He speaks clearly.
When there is an object, the adverb is usually placed after the verb + object:
- I put the vase carefully on the table.
However, adverbs are never positioned between the verb and the object.
- I read the book quickly. - (Correct)
I read quickly the book. - (Incorrect)
Sometimes adverbs are placed at the beginning of a clause.
- Quickly, I changed my opinion.
There are exceptions these rules such as Adverbs of indefinite frequency that go before the verb. See each section we have about adverbs for more details and exceptions.
Next activities
To see the spelling rules for adverbs, check out: Adverbs Spelling -LY
To see more information about adverbs of frequency, check out: Adverbs of Frequency
Check out our grammar notes about Compound Adjectives which sometimes contain both adjectives and adverbs.
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