Past tense of DRINK
English Grammar

The past tense of DRINK is DRANK.
Pronunciation of DRANK
UK: / dræŋk /
US: / dræŋk /
The main difference might be in the exact quality of the vowel sound /æ/, which can vary slightly between accents. However, for standard British and American English, the transcription is the same. Some American accents might pronounce it with a slightly more open or different vowel.
You can hear the pronunciation of DRANK in the video.
Example sentences with DRANK
- She drank a glass of water before going to bed.
- He drank too much coffee and couldn't sleep.
- They drank to celebrate the new year.
- I drank a smoothie for breakfast.
- The children drank juice with their lunch.
- He drank from the river to quench his thirst.
- We drank wine at the dinner party.
- She drank the potion and felt its effects immediately.
- He drank his tea slowly, savoring the flavor.
- The athlete drank an energy drink before the game.
- She drank the last of the milk and forgot to tell anyone.
- They drank the health tonic every morning for vitality.
- He drank the soup straight from the bowl.
- We drank a toast to our success.
Next learning activities
See our List of past tense irregular verbs in English.
Watch our video about 101 Irregular Past Tense Verbs in English.
English Language Resource
We also have all of these verbs available as flash cards / charts that can be used in the ESOL / ELA classroom. These can be purchased here: 101 Irregular Verbs - Past Tense in English - Flash Cards / Charts
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