Past tense of COST
English Grammar

The past tense of COST is COST. (That is right, it doesn't change!)
Pronunciation of COST
UK: / kɒst / --- US: / kɔːst /
You can hear the pronunciation in the video.
Example sentences with COST
- It cost me a lot of money.
- My jacket only cost ten dollars.
- That penalty cost us the game.
- The project cost more than expected.
- The repairs cost him a fortune.
- It cost her a lot to move to a new city.
- The trip cost them their entire savings.
- The mistake cost the company its reputation.
- The dress cost $200.
- The decision cost him his job.
- The event cost a significant amount to organize.
- The car cost more than he had budgeted.
- The delay cost them the contract.
- The meal cost less than anticipated.
- The experiment cost several months of research.
- The upgrade cost an additional $100.
- The misunderstanding cost them their friendship.
- The new software cost the company a hefty sum.
Next learning activities
See our List of past tense irregular verbs in English.
Watch our video about 101 Irregular Past Tense Verbs in English.
English Language Resource
We also have all of these verbs available as flash cards / charts that can be used in the ESL / ELA classroom. These can be purchased here: 101 Irregular Verbs - Past Tense in English - Flash Cards / Charts
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