Past tense of BUILD
English Grammar

The past tense of BUILD is BUILT.
Pronunciation of BUILT
UK: / bɪlt / --- US: / bɪlt /
You can hear the pronunciation in the video.
Example sentences with BUILT
- The boy built a sandcastle.
- They built the house in three months.
- We built a treehouse in our backyard.
- They built a new house in the countryside.
- He built a successful business from scratch.
- She built a model airplane with her son.
- We built a bonfire on the beach.
- They built the bridge over the river.
- He built his reputation on honesty.
- She built a strong case for her argument.
- I built a bookshelf for my books.
- They built a snowman after the first snowfall.
- He built a fence around the garden.
- She built a network of contacts in her field.
- We built a raft to cross the lake.
- They built a robot for the science fair.
- He built a fort with pillows and blankets.
- She built her career over many years.
Next learning activities
See our List of past tense irregular verbs in English.
Watch our video about 101 Irregular Past Tense Verbs in English.
English Language Resource
We also have all of these verbs available as flash cards / charts that can be used in the ESL / ELA classroom. These can be purchased here: 101 Irregular Verbs - Past Tense in English - Flash Cards / Charts
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