Past tense of BEND
English Grammar

The past tense of BEND is BENT.
Pronunciation of BENT
UK: / bent / --- US: / bent /
You can hear the pronunciation in the video.
Example sentences with BENT
- He bent over to pick up the newspaper.
- The palm tree bent in the strong winds.
- She bent down to pat the cat.
- He bent down to tie his shoelaces.
- She bent the wire into a heart shape.
- They bent the rules to accommodate the situation.
- She bent her knee during the yoga pose.
- He bent the metal with his bare hands.
- They bent their heads in prayer.
- I bent the truth to avoid hurting her feelings.
- She bent her will to his.
- He bent the branch to reach the fruit.
- They bent the corner of the page to mark their place.
- She bent her back to lift the heavy box.
- He bent the spoon in a magic trick.
- They bent the light through the prism.
Next learning activities
See our List of past tense irregular verbs in English.
Watch our video about 101 Irregular Past Tense Verbs in English.
English Language Resource
We also have all of these verbs available as flash cards / charts that can be used in the ESL / ELA classroom. These can be purchased here: 101 Irregular Verbs - Past Tense in English - Flash Cards / Charts
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